For many people, Black nurses are strong, resilient, and motivated healthcare workers.
We are an inspiration to the community and heroes who risk our lives to protect others and sure enough, many nurses love what they do passionately.
Unfortunately, Black nurses experience greatest PPE shortages Black health visitors only occupy 170 of 2,115 senior band 8c positions and we are increasingly under the threat of racism and we often find it challenging to keep things together.
In addition, 2019-2020 inclusion data from the Nursing and Midwifery Council shows that Black nurses made up 15.3% of new fitness to practice referrals, despite Black nurses making up just 8.5% of the total register. Of those concerns raised, a massive 62% of investigations against Black nurses resulted in no case to answer. This indicates to us that those with a racist agenda could be abusing the referral process when it comes to the fitness to practice for Black nurses. This disproportionate pattern of referrals of Black nurses has a psychological impact on the wellbeing of the nurse. Furthermore, Due to the delay in NMC cases being heard, many Black nurses have been dismissed from their place of employment long before the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) had concluded the case.

Mistakes made by Black nurses are treated in a stricter manner than those made by their White counterparts. Errors made by the White nurse are more likely to be resolved in a blame-free manner, training offered or a more humane method used to support the nurse in their future practice. This common theme is clear to see by everyone, it's unfair and leaves Black nurses upset, angry and anxious. Many Black nurses are placed on patronising supervision plans which often undermines their nursing skills and practice. Some Black nurses barely sleep and not just because of our long night shifts. We see what is happening in front of our eyes, we recognise race discrimination through our many years of experience and if we dare to speak about it or highlight the differences in treatment we often become victimised, ostracized and further oppressed in the healthcare workplace.

Black nurses often need a solution but don’t know where to begin.
That’s where Equality 4 Black Nurses come in. We help nurses to navigate the hostile work environment and we help to call out race discrimination in a constructive and educational way to colleagues, patients and stakeholders. We have created a network of experts to talk to for support, advice, and comfort. This will help Black nurses to cope with racial discrimination. It can encourage a sense of security, identity and reduce negative thoughts and feelings. This will enable Black nurses to not give up on their chosen careers and continue being the best nurse that they are trained to be.
Equality 4 Black Nurses aims to support you and this will enhance Black Prosperity
Happy and successful Black nurses are a joy for the entire community. However, no one ever prospered amid regular verbal abuse, discrimination and racism.
Help Nurses Protect Future Generations
When you think about it, most Black people thrive amid racism today because they received good teachings from their parents. We have become used to it and our fathers and mothers addressed the issues we face as a community and showed us how to appropriately respond to it. In a way we have learned to adapt to a eurocentric model of living with many Black people unfortunately losing their african/caribbean identity to embrace a european culture that does not appreciate us, accept us or want us.
Sadly, at the end of the day in the eyes of many people, we are just our colour (Black) regardless of our achievements, our contributions to the country or what we bring to the table. We are often criticized and blocked from progressing to a higher band beyond band 8c, management positions or the more desirable and specialist areas of nursing.
In addition, we have grown accustomed to live and work within a hostile environment, face discrimination and accept the bad treatment.
However, we can no longer accept this treatment. Enough is enough. Equality 4 Black Nurses takes a new approach and we are challenging the system, calling out racism and standing up to inequality. We are demanding accountability and helping nurses to change the narrative. We aim to stamp out racism so that those who have healed and learned from their race invoked oppression will confidently know how to counsel and support future nurses more effectively. Equality 4 Black nurses believes in togetherness, we are an inclusive organisation and welcome nurses from all ethnicities.
Reassurance There’s a Better Tomorrow
Black nurses deal with workplace oppression in different ways. Some cry it out, some hide it beneath their smiles and others take it home. However, the experiences result in
race induced trauma and this must be addressed. Black nurses need reassurance that their problems are not endless and they are not suffering alone.
Those who have become used to working in hostile environments need someone to reassure them that what they are experiencing is not in their head. Also, that they are not alone in the fight against workplace oppression. They need comfort and reassurance that there is a support network aimed at finding solutions to their problems.
Providing a support structure that can help end workplace oppression for Black nurses is our primary goal. We believe in equality. However, we can only do it through your support and collaborative working together.
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